Take my hand - let us run on the damp earth and feel the freedom, wonder and joy of being alive


You are here because deep in your bones you yearn to return to the wild.

You want to go beyond books and talks to FEEL the rapture of
being alive in your body and soul.

You want to enrich your life so it is dripping with morning dew, interwoven with mycelium and roots, pumping with silty rivers, resonating with birdsong, entangled with wildflowers and moss, lit with burnings stars, crying for the moon.

Yet society has taught you to believe that loving the earth and sky is a waste of time, something you can do one day when the to do list is done/kids have left home/you have won the lottery -

– in other words, it is a luxury, not OK for “people like you”, only for those who know more than you do and anyway, you are strange and alone in your love for the earth.

I want you to know - living a life fully entwined with the life in this messy, beautiful universe is a fundamental human need – AND it is possible for you. Exactly where you are now.

Welcome to Rewild Your Soul


Rewild Your Soul is an enriching, year-long experience for quietly
courageous folk to gather, slow down and sink into the deep remembering that we are part of this messy, beautiful universe.

Number of places | 16 places
Investment | £1983 in full / 6 monthly payments x £331 / 12 monthly payments x £166 / 15 monthly payments x £133

"The adventures have helped me connect the science, professional, city side of me with the intuitive, creative, nature, rural side of me.”


Do you feel guilty, frustrated and like a nature weirdo too?

“Life is hectic and I feel too guilty to stop and take the time to notice the world around me - I blink and the season has changed again without me really seeing the transition.”

“I have tried putting aside an hour a week to get outside but I never manage. I get annoyed with myself - why can’t I prioritise the time?”

“I feel 'tied to my desk' for work rather than outside where my soul wants to be. It makes me feel trapped and like I want to scream.”

"I want to step out of the hurricane for a bit, and take a breath. My body and spirit are beginning to crack under the relentless wind.”

“There’s so much noise out there - relentless negative news and people telling me how I should be giving and doing more. I just want to stop and listen more deeply beyond the screeching tumult to the joy and pain beneath it.”

I want you to know -

Living a life fully immersed and entwined with the life around you in this messy, beautiful universe is a fundamental human need – AND it is possible for you. Exactly where you are.

We have lived in relationship with the more-than-human for millennia. We have evolved with the land. Your desire to love the earth and sky is NORMAL and has been deliberately positioned to be seen as odd in order to continue harming people and planet through extraction and exploitation.

Yet the hard truth is that the more we ignore the call for the wild, the more we are collaborating with the damaging systems that are currently governing our society and the more we are hurting ourselves and the earth.

How can you step away from the noise and deepen your love for the earth, sky and your wild self?

Journey together in Rewild Your Soul

Rewild Your Soul is a quietly powerful, semi-guided journey to fall more deeply in love with our messy, beautiful universe through curiosity, creativity and community and with compassion and courage in our hearts.

Over the year we explore four interwoven landscapes through seasonal adventures. Our time together will be guided by a rich tapestry of prompts, talks, workshops and community sharing as we begin to awaken the wild within.

Delivered online the experience will connect you with folk from around the world who also love the earth. Together we travel into the wilderness and discover enchantment, grief, magic, wonder, awe.

Together we emerge with a renewed sense of belonging and
knowing - for we are part of everything. We are made of stardust.


Root | Adventure under the ancient forest

Wander into the ancient autumn forest and explore your roots and values

In Autumn we explore the complex world of roots and fungi under the earth of our oldest woodlands - and our own needs for roots and nourishment. Together we will notice, wonder, discover, create and connect with this landscape and the messy, entangled world of mycorrhizal (fungi-root) networks. It is time for observation and learning, understanding and healing. It is time to feel rooted again.


Dream | Adventure into the night sky

Gaze at burning winter stars and sink into your life stories and dreams for the year ahead

We begin our winter adventure embracing quiet, stillness, rest. Together we will reopen the dreaming space and envision how we'd like our lives to unfold in the year ahead. We allow ourselves to pause, look at the stars, feel the stories of our ancestors in our bones and fill our souls with wonder and awe. It is time to reopen the dreaming space.


Nest | Adventure into the wild hedgerow

Seek hidden nests in the hedgerow and create a supportive nest at home

In Spring we adventure into the wild hedgerow where birds weave their homes. Together we will connect with our avian kin, their precious homes and our own needs for nesting. Together we will seek to understand what it means when our ultimate home – the earth – is changing, and amongst this change create a loving, nourishing home for us to...be. It is time to rekindle the quiet joy of a safe nest buried in the tangled hedgerow.


Joy | Adventure to the wildflower meadow

Feel the powerful transformation
of flower to seed in the summer meadow and explore joy and what it means to be a good ancestor

In Summer we adventure to the wildflower meadow where flowers unfold, insects thrive and precious seeds are made. Together we will embrace the lightness and joy of the season and notice, wonder, discover, create, and connect with ancient, entangled grasslands and the power of seeds. We seek out joy and explore creating a better future as good ancestors. It is time to step into the world with lightness, imagination, compassion, healing and joy to collectively plant seeds for a better world.

Let us ask ourselves, “what is it I plan to do with this one wild and precious life?”

About Agnes Becker

"I created Rewild Your Soul to deepen our relationship with and belonging to nature."

Hi, I'm an artist and science communicator who feels most at home with family and friends, immersed in nature. After a degree in Natural Sciences and a Masters in Science Media Production, I spent 10 years working in universities with scientists. In 2016 I created we are stardust as a way to deepen our experience of the messy, beautiful universe through art and science.

  • Loving acceptance for your whole, beautiful, wild self

    Begin to accept all the wild parts of you and see yourself as an ecosystem of beings in a greater ecosystem of life.

  • A deeper understanding of and love for the earth

    Sink deeper into understanding your place and see how your story and life intertwines with the more-than-human world around you.

  • A powerful sense of belonging

    Find powerful new perspectives on your sense of belonging to our messy, beautiful universe

  • Curiosity, wonder and enchantment for life!

    Turn your loving attention to the plants, fungi, animals and sky on your doorstep and see hidden worlds reveal themselves. Awaken your curiosity so that you pause and listen more deeply to what nature can teach you and tone down the relentless noise of news and social media.

  • A supportive global community

    Meet fellow adventurers from around the world and know you are not alone in your love for the earth. This is how alumni have described the community: "a safe, cosy nest" "a cluster of star sisters" "a network of mycelium"

  • Space to bear witness

    Allow the grief for what is happening to our world to flow through you and in doing so step into love and action in gratitude to the earth and sky.

  • Quality time outside practicing Deep Life

    Spend your time outside with intention, slowly getting to know your local land intimately.

  • Playful creativity

    Begin to explore creatively expressing all that you notice and feel.

"I am much more able to sit quietly and observe and be curious … before I think I just accepted what I was seeing without wondering why."


  • David Haskell, Biologist and Author

    LIVE TALK | Listening to trees

    David George Haskell is a writer and biologist. His latest book, Sounds Wild and Broken, is a finalist for the 2023 Pulitzer Prize in General Nonfiction. His previous books are The Forest Unseen, The Songs of Trees, and Thirteen Ways to Smell a Tree. He also writes essays, op-eds, and multi-media works for The New York Times, Emergence Magazine, and others. He is a William R. Kenan Jr. Professor at The University of the South, a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London, and a Guggenheim.

  • Sophie Macklin, Teacher, Facilitator and Writer

    LIVE TALK | Fragments of Root and Bone

    Sophie Macklin is a teacher, facilitator and writer devoted to creating cultures of care and solidarity in the human and more than human world. She teaches on topics related to animism, radical history, folklore, bodily experience, ancestry, ecology, communication, spirituality and deep time and loves researching and relationship building connected to these themes, whether that's through books, conversations, visiting historical and sacred sites, direct action, communing with plants and animals, or prayer. She has been doing work on these themes for nearly two decades.

  • Dr Ayesha Khan (any pronouns)

    LIVE TALK | Re-imagining community care and what we mean by 'home'

    Dr. Ayesha Khan is an abolitionist, anarchist, clinical microbiologist/ infectious diseases specialist, organizer, political educator and writer focused on decolonizing medicine, dismantling capitalist systems and building collectivist systems of community care & research.

  • Nana Tomova

    LIVE TALK AND STORYTELLING | Returning to the wild self through ancient stories

    Nana is a traditional oral storyteller, a medicine woman, and a nature connection guide. She believes the wisdom and medicine of stories can guide us to find belonging. To ourselves, and to the world. The stories Nana tells focus on Belonging, Grief, and the Woman's Quest. 

  • A meadow of pre-recorded talks and workshops

    With guests including Sophie Strand, Jo Marchant, Ruth Allen, Martin Bidartondo, David Satori, Sasha Glasgow, The Wild Academy, Trevor Dines, Hannah Bullivant, Hazel MacCambridge, Tamu Thomas, Kathryn John.


What's included?

Campfire gatherings

Every two weeks on Tuesdays at 1-2.30pm UK time we gather to support each other, learn and share discoveries and challenges. Gatherings are 90 minutes to allow deep conversation. All gatherings aree recorded.

Seasonal adventure guidebooks

Guidebooks filled with science and folklore stories, nature activities, journaling questions and creative exercises give us guidance and inspiration on our journey.

Talks and workshops

Live and pre-recorded talks and workshops to spark creativity, inspire us and expand our knowledge and perspectives.

Co-creative and Co-nature journaling gatherings

Every two weeks on Fridays at 1pm UK time we join together with folk in The Stardust Collective to waken our playful creativity and
curiosity and give ourselves the space to commit to learning about our beautiful, messy universe.

Harvest Festival At Home Retreat

On 27 August 2024 we gather for a full day to reflect on what we have learned over our journey and which seeds we want to nurture as we return home from Rewild Your Soul.

Nourishing welcome box

A nourishing welcome box of books, treasures and exclusive
seasonal greetings cards by Agnes Becker (no longer available for retail purchase in the shop).

Online community space on Circle

A supportive community space on Circle without adverts and distractions.

Private podcast

The private podcast of all guidebooks, campfire gatherings
and speaker talks and workshops allows you to listen wherever you are.

Forest of gifts

Wander through a forest of workshops and nature guides to
enrich your journey, worth £260.

BONUS: Access to The Stardust Collective

During your time with Rewild Your Soul you will also have access to The Stardust Collective – a membership for folk seeking immersive time with nature for FREE, worth £348.

BONUS: Access to new online workshops and retreats

Access to any new online workshops and retreats during your time with Rewild Your Soul for FREE.

“[The adventure experience] feels genuinely evolving and alive and real and something that’s precious…Things that could just be normal and every day suddenly became interesting and magical.”


Hear from alumni

Are you ready to step away from the noise and deepen your love for the earth, sky and your wild self?


Is Rewild Your Soul for me?

You are welcome with open arms if:

You have started to hear the call for the wild and want to live a full, nourished life entwined with nature

You want to enrich your experience of being in nature with learning and creativity but don’t know where to start

You want to connect with the Earth and all her living beings more deeply but never find the time or headspace to do this

You love learning about nature from all disciplines and people but have never found a community where learning is free of judgement about how much you do/don’t know

You want to learn more about the world through science but feel what you read when you look things up is too complicated and overwhelming or believe you aren’t clever enough

You want to respond to your experience of being in nature with creative art projects but don’t know where to start or believe you are “rubbish at drawing”

You love being part of a diverse community of people from all walks of life who love the connecting with the more-than-human world

The adventure not be the best experience for you if:

You want to learn technical terminology and get very specific about scientific methodology

You want a perfect, slick experience. I am a mother working on we are stardust part-time. I am messy and human. I do my best to create a smooth, beautiful experience for you but I will make mistakes. If this is something that would bother you, Rewild Your Soul may not be for you.

You want to tick off identifying as many plants, trees, birds, mushrooms, stars etc. as possible

You want a detailed, step-by-step ‘how to’ guide to exploring the world through science and art

You hope to heal trauma through this experience. While it may help, I am not a therapist and recommend working with a trained professional to address trauma

You are looking for a very directed course with a leader to take you through learning about an area of nature (I will act as more of a guide, encouraging others to share their findings and creations)

You feel some areas of learning about the world are superior to others

What is the time commitment?

You can tailor your adventure to meet your needs, however, here is a rough guide:

Minimum: 1 hour each week to spend time with the more-than -human world

Medium: 2 hours each week to also take part in the campfire gatherings, talks and workshops

Maximum: As many hours as you like! Immerse yourself in the journey and see where it takes you!

When are the campfires, talks and workshops?

All campfire, talks and workshops will be held every 2 weeks on Tuesdays, 1-2.30pm UK time (with the exception of Ayesha Khan's talk which will be on a Saturday afternoon - date TBC).

All co-creative and co-journaling gatherings will be held once monthly each on Fridays, 1-2pm Uk time

Harvest Festival at home day retreat, 27 August 2024, 10am - 3pm BST (workshops will be held from 12 noon BST onwards)

All talks will be recorded and posted in the community space and there will be a chance to ask speakers questions in advance.

I live in a city, can I still take part?

Yes! Nature is everywhere - including you! Prompts have been designed to be adapted to urban and rural living. There are fragments of ancient forests, meadows and hedgerows to be found everywhere.

I don't live in the UK, can I still take part?

Yes! Adventurers have joined from from the USA, France and Mallorca as well as the UK. The prompts will apply to all countries. You may to check you can make the times of the live calls first and might find it useful to get a local field guide or find local identification websites or apps to help you to get to know your local birdlife.

I'm not very sciency or arty - will I be left behind?

I believe all humans are creative and curious. In joining Rewild Your Soul, you become part a nourishing community learners where we are all equal in our learning. There are no 'stupid' questions or 'rubbish' artworks. Instead we get curious and enjoy playful creativity. We support each other to make space for more moments of wonder in nature. We inspire each other with our discoveries about and creative expressions to the Earth and our place in it. We collectively deepen
our sense of belonging.